Converting intellectual curiosity into useless knowledge since time immemorial.

Spectral sequences

As you're reading this, I'm working on my MSc thesis about the application of spectral sequences in algorithmic torsion detection. I'll put a password-protected version here soon. The password is supposed to protect you from this WIP work, not the other way around, of course.

Program synthesis

Before ChatGPT took over the world, I experimented a bit with program synthesis for my BSc thesis. Here it is. The idea was quite simple: let's automatically generate code for hyperparameter optimisation by means of a restricted set of rules, and see how the samples perform against established baselines, such as random search. Quite an enjoyable and stressful challenge, given that I had to complete it in under 3 weeks.

Speech processing

I did phonetics and speech processing during my time at Cambridge. One reason was that it allowed me to shift towards data analysis, programming, and a bit of statistics. Another reason was that I was deeply inspired by Prof. Francis Nolan’s research and amazing lectures. I was very lucky he was my thesis supervisor.

I’ve already shamelessly promoted my book in the About me section, so let’s do it again here. The book contains my unedited thesis that aims to answer the question whether identical strings also sound the same. Spoiler: they don't. This work also includes an excruciatingly detailed analysis of experimental results and an implementation of a speech disambiguation software based on the collected phonetic data.

‘Unedited’ in the sense that it was published without changes, not that it lacked proper punctuation...


I still find it hard to believe I once dabbled in NLP. That was before I discovered it had nothing to do with language. Anyway, here's a paper on figurative language grounding that I actually wrote for the Cognitive Robotics course during my BA. I also published a simple paper on cross-linguistic parsing, which was one of the required essays for the MPhil.




Not literature in the strictest sense but I once published this short paper as an impractical practical joke.


I took part in the 2018 iteration of Google Summer of Code. I also worked on projects in the 2019 and 2020 editions of Google Season of Docs.

I also participated in some work-related projects (Scientific ML) that got published here and here.

That’s the gist of my research. If it made sense, I’m as surprised as you are.

I understand half of it half as well as I’d like, and question less than half of it half as often as it deserves.